I've been nothing but impressed with Toycycle. Highly recommend.
Basically the same as buying it new. Great way to save money and avoid wasting toys.
MUCH smaller than I anticipated, but in good shape. My little one is only 16 month and I feel the handle is too low for her to push. My fault if there were measurements, I can’t remember. With her being so young, I honestly didn’t think there would be something that would be too small for her to push.
In terrible shape. The clear plastic has a small crack and there are what looks like crayon marks between the 2 clear plastics? Looks very worn. I would have never purchased this if I knew it would be in this condition. I would much rather pay full price.
Hi there, we are always happy to make things right when it comes to customer satisfaction. We've sent an email to that effect but not gotten a response from you. I do want to make sure for future that you are aware of the Condition Labels and Description for our products. The Really Real Flashlight was described as having "Minor Flaws," but even so, since you are unhappy with its condition you can return it. Please just let us know.
Item didn't come as advertised, but I reached out and was responded to immediately and it was taken care of quickly. Thank you!
I ordered the little break maker set and it was well worth it. I love wooden toys and the quality was great, as well as the product being so cute. Can’t wait to give this to my little one and order again.
I'm so glad I got a carrying case (aka "gig bag") for my loog mini. It makes it so much easier to take the loog around with me when I travel or want to play when out of the house (like jamming in the woods when hiking).
I already owned the acoustic loog mini from their first kickstarter many years ago, and when I saw that ToyCycle had the electric mini at used prices, I just had to get one to see the difference (between electric strings and acoustic strings). I'm so glad I did! The new generation of loogs has updated cards. My original first gen are still great, but I appreciate the bigger new cards. I also really like the electric loog mini. It's fun to play around with the sound, and I love how the amp is built in. My husband enjoyed playing a rock version of Itsy Bitsy Spider for our toddler, who enjoys strumming on both the acoustic and electric loog minis.
Doll looks like new. Gift for my niece who dressed like Repunzal at Disney Land. I wish the doll came in a box or better bag however. Thank you!!
Item arrived as described in wonderful condition both functionally and aesthetically! Would purchase again!
Though these were used toys they look brand new. I agree with the excellent quality rating listed. The price was fair. I wish the shipping charges were less. Sometimes I see one thing I want and then wait a couple of days to see if there is something else I can purchase to make a bundle and then the first item is gone.
We bought this for our son’s third birthday and this open box option is perfect! We love everything we’ve purchased from TOYCYCLE and will always check here first.
The guitar is awesome and came packaged with everything as if it was brand new. Thanks!
Open box toys I received were basically new and very giftable. Thank you!
I purchased this game a couple of weeks ago and had the opportunity to play it once with my just-turned-four granddaughter and my husband and a second time with my eight-year-old grandson.
Here’s the game set-up: a pot pie of Mrs. Plumpert’s was stolen and the team of young chicken detectives must gather clues and work together to determine which fox is the culprit. The player pieces are shaped like Sherlock Holmes’s detective hat.
While the clues are being gathered and suspects are ruled out, a fox pawn is following a path and if he makes it across the board before the robber is correctly identified, the game ends.
Gameplay involves the rolling of dice with the player announcing if they are “suspect-revealing” or “clue-searching” before the roll. There are SUSPECT cards and there are CLUE bubbles which are placed in a decoding device.
This game is targeted for someone who doesn’t need to read to play successfully. It’s fun and exciting for ages 5-97 and enjoyable for those older that wish to share some quality time with the demographic.
I like that the players have to share clues to work together to determine which fox is the thief. The board, cards, and playing pieces are visually attractive and appealing.
I recommend this game.
I bought this guitar for my 9 yr old son after considering the 3 string model. He's taken to it well. For a kids guitar I find the action and playability quite good compared to what you'd get from a big box store. I have no complaints getting the open box at a discount. And my son really enjoys it. I will be ordering a 3 string for my younger son soon so they can play together!
I bought these for my 16 month old grandson who loves to build but was bored with his Duplos. He loves these blocks and the different sizes all fit together easily. It is a toy that he will be able to use for several years. I’m very happy with my purchase!
Everything I got was in even better condition than I expected! Will definitely be ordering more stuff!